Nada Ward – Founder of Beauty Kin

Nada Ward – Founder of Beauty Kin

 I’m Nada, the founder of Beauty Kin and lover of all things solid… I created Beauty Kin as I wanted to go back to the old school but with science at the heart of it.   We all remember the bar of imperial leather at our Nan’s house with the everlasting sticker. I wanted to bring bars into the twenty-first century whilst making sure they actually did something for skin that went beyond cleaning it like your standard gels.

Tell us about Beauty Kin…

All our bars are problem-solution-focused and contain active ingredients at efficacious levels that are scientifically proven to work. We’re not just “soap”. Each bar is uniquely designed to target the problem it claims to and that even includes the base used. I could geek out about this for days.

What sustainability challenges have you tried to overcome by bringing your brand to market and why are they important to you?

Going Plastic free… This wasn’t as straightforward as putting a bar in a box. Because we’re effectively solid skincare we had to consider things like effective levels not being compromised in a solid format. So, for instance, our Clarify bar used a pH-balanced soap-free base. It also contains Salicylic Acid. Getting an effective level of Salicylic acid into a solid base without affecting the pH isn’t an easy feat. We got there so it’s all good. It means the bar doesn’t dry out skin whilst effectively cleansing. Told you I could geek out…

What is your favourite or bestselling, hero product from the Beauty Kin range?

This is a tough one. Probably Soothe AND Clarify as I’ve seen the results they have given people and how much of an impact they’ve had.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced (are still facing) as a female founder working to establish and grow your brand and how are you dealing with it/them?

How long have you got? We’ve been going for eighteen months and honestly, it’s been the hardest job I’ve ever done. As a sole founder, it can be lonely. Also, the constant hammering on doors for someone to give you a break. C’mon Boots, Wholefoods, and you other big boys, let us in!! Throw in being a mum and menopause I’m surprised I’m still semi-sane, to be honest.

What other brands do you admire?

There are actually a few, Oatly for making Oat milk cool, no mean feat. Flo for making periods cool and Nigel Cabourn for being around for over thirty-five years and just doing his thing.

What is your dream for Beauty Kin? 

We’ve set out to make bars cool again. Sustainable products can be bright and in your face. I think for a long time, anything sustainable was muted. It doesn’t need to be like that. Oh, and get into some cracking brick-and-mortar retailers.

Top tip for our hero product Clarify is….

If you’re using the bar for Bacne, make sure you tie up your hair after shampooing and conditioning and rinse your back thoroughly before going in with your bar. Shampoos and conditioners are largely comedogenic, so you need a good clean-off before you start with the salicylic-based product!

What female founders do you admire and why? 

I admire them all as let’s face it, it’s still largely a man’s world. Proof of that is in the figures of females getting funded. Only 65 of VC cash goes to female-founded businesses. I mean, when you look at that, what’s not to admire? If you’re still prepared to throw yourself out there knowing those stats what’s not to admire?

Who or what inspires you? 

My kids. My youngest is autistic and has a battle on his hands every day. If he can do it, so can I.

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