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Ecoegg 01 E1656580865754

If you switching to an ecoegg Laundry Egg, you are significantly reducing your single-use plastic as it replaces both laundry detergent bottles and conditioner bottles.

Ecoegg have calculated that if you put a load of washing on every day, you could save up to 40 bottles each year per household. In 2021, total worldwide Laundry Egg sales helped to save around 15 million plastic bottles! 

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Why Switch?

Counter Culture love Ecoegg because they are helping to reduce single use plastic by having a refillable Laundry Egg. The Eggs do not contain enzymes, chlorine bleach, phosphates, SLE/SLES, palm oil or micro-plastics. Not only that but Egoeggs are excellent for people with sensitive skin and have held an ‘Allergy Friendly Product’ award since 2011. 

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